Answered question

I need a way to handle dynamics parameters for a Siebel application

I have recorded a script for a Siebel application but when i replay it i get some errors. These errors seem to be related to dynamic parameters that i did not handle. I'm wondering if someone has created a framework parameter for such application so i could give a try?

The dynamic parameters that need to be handled strongly depends on your Siebel version and your business transactions.

You could try the framework parameters in attachement to check if he can handle some or all your dynamics parameters.

To use it please follow the procedure below:


  1. In NeoLoad, go to menu "Edit-->Preferences-->General settings tab-->Frameworks" and click on the import button.
  2. Load the XML file in attachement (change the file extension from pdf to xml)
  3. When it's done, go back on the design section and right mouse click on your virtual user profile, then run "Look for dynamic parameters...".
  4. Disable the second option "Search for generic dynamic parameters" and click on the "Next" button.


If that frameworks works for you, please add a comment with your Siebel version so it can help other customers.

If you improve it, you can also upload yours.

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