Answered question

How can I change my input parameter in Neoload?

Hi NeoLoad support,

I'd to like to change my input parameter ("Tuan") into other parameters. Could you help to support me on this?


Quan N.
Quan N.

Quan N.

35 / 100

There are lot's of dynamic data that need to be handled before to be able to correctly replay your script.

During your recording you modified some data from a form. In your script i can see some date. Make sure to update those date if needed.

There are other dynamic values related to your application. I created a framework of parameters to handle some of them. I can't guarantee that it wll handle all the dynamic values but it is a start.

I would suggest you to load that framework and then make another new recordings as simple as possible by modifying the minimum of data in your application. Then change some input data to make sure that the replaying is working with the same user.

It's only when it's working fine with the current user that you can  try with another user with a check virtual user.

To answer your question, if you look at the screen shot in attachment you can see a request that is still referencing your user "TUAN".

To load and use the framework in attachment (unzip it first hand), you just need to import it in NeoLoad preferences under frameworks.

Then run a search of framework parameters on you user at the end of the recording.

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Other answers

If you would like to replace the static value "Tuan" by another one coming from a NeoLoad variable, you can simply replace "Tuan" by ${Myvariable} where MyVariable is the name of your NeoLoad variable created under the variable manager.

If you have multiple occurrences you can use the Search and Replace feature to replace all of the occurences at once.

Does it answer your question?

Quan N.
Quan N.

Quan N.

35 / 100

Thanks Nouredine A for your support.As your instruction, I used "search and replace" feature to replace "Tuan" to "Khoa" but when I run checking, It still use "Tuan" to input, and one more issue I have found that I used 10 VUs to run the test to add item at the same time but Neoload only add successfull 1 item.

I have attached the Neo project after modified to "Khoa". Could you help to check for these 2 issues ?

Thanks & Regards,

Quan N.
Quan N.

Quan N.

35 / 100

Thanks Nouredine A so much, I will try as your instruction!
