Unanswered question

Encounter NL-AMF-PLUGIN-ENGINE-01 error when checking User Path


We would like to perform a load test on our Web application using NeoLoad Community Edition.

We've successfully conducted a load test in the Web Server (where the application is hosted) without any error. We logged on as local Administrator to perform the load test hence we could use proxy mode. All of the scenarios (login, viewing and creating a record) during recording, checking of user path as well as runtime are working fine without any error.

However, we tried to perform a similar load test to the Web Application using a machine connected to the Web Server. This machine has local GPO setting which prevents changes to browser setting (and perhaps some Web features are disabled too) hence we could only use Tunnel mode. All scenarios work fine during recording. However, when checking user paths one of the scenarios is throwing the following error: NL-AMF-PLUGIN-ENGINE-01. This error happens when creating/updating a record.

We don't think it is due to the Web Application as we've also successfully tried Neoload load test on the same Web Application using our development environment machine with the same scenarios.

Attached is the screenshot of the error.

Can someone assist me on this?

Thanks in advance.

Alexander H.
Alexander H.

Alexander H.

1 / 100


The user right does not matter when it is to execute a script with NeoLoad. But something is weird in your script: that AMF request.

Should it really be an AMF request? It does not seem to be a Flex application.

So my assumption is that NeoLoad recognizes that Edit.aspx request as AMF where it should not. What is the content-type of that request?

I can see another Edit.aspx request under your "Edit Case" transaction. what's the difference between them regarding the Content-type?