Unanswered question

while validting script in check user path in neoload i got "NL Netwrok02 bind execption error for 1 user .

while i was runnign test in check user path in neoload with 1 user i got script has failed at home page it self and got "NL Network-02" error.this causes blocking my activity.and i have also done some changes in regedit.but no use.can u give me the solution.please refer screenshot. but here i have observed without admin i ran same script it is getting netwrok 02 error but i am running same script with admin rights(open tool as run as admin) this error not occured and test is pass.here any reason that test is failed due to admin rights? confirm this also and give workaround.waiting for your reply.please refer screenshot for more understanding.

suresh D.
suresh D.

suresh D.

654 / 750


If you get that error in a checkvu user path it should not be a lack of ports available on the machine. It probably means that NeoLoad cannot bind/create the network socket on the machine.

Could you compare the NIC displayed under the Advanced settings of your local LG in the Runtime section to check if they are the same when NeoLoad is started with or without admin rights?

This is a link here from our documentation about that advanced settings.

What happens if you force a NIC/IP in that list when NeoLoad is not started with admin rights? Do you still have the issue?