Answered question

How to handle upload documents scenario for SharePoint applications using NeoLoad

I have created a script to upload a excel file from the local storage to SharePoint application. In order to simulate it to execute with multiple files, I am not finding the path from where the original file was uploaded or the content of the file which is uploading to the SharePoint. Need support if NeoLoad can capture the Upload functionalities in SharePoint and can be simulated with multiple users.

Jayasudha P.
Jayasudha P.

Jayasudha P.

3 / 100

Usually when you record an upload transaction you should get a POST multi-part request like the one that you can see in the NeoLoad documentation here

You should see a "Filename" and "Source File" field with the name of the file that was uploaded during the recording.

The "Source File" field is where NeoLoad is looking for the file to upload. You can use a NeoLoad variable to change the file to be uploaded.


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