Answered question

does neoload free edition supports an application which is built on oracle ADF framework ?

i am doing a poc on an application which is built on oracle ADF framework also client machine must have java 6 to access it.With neoload i am unable to launch the application.while manually i am able to access the application.Please help me in this regard.

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

There's an error in the neoload logs related to a class that is not found. Plus i saw in your command output that you had a "classpath" variable set.

Could you temporarily change the name of that variable to "classpath2" and then restart NeoLoad?

Look at the screen shot attached to see where to change that. It's under control panel-->System-->Advanced system settings.

Start again a user validation.

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ADF framework should not be an issue even with a FREE license. When you start your application do you have a JAVA applet that is started?

If yes, do you know if it's HTTP or HTTPS protocol that is used?

The recording may not work if it's HTTPS protocol and you do not have the NeoLoad certificate loaded in your browser.

I would suggest you to load the NeoLoad certificate in your browser and use IE for the recording. This is to make sure that the NeoLoad certificate will be used.

Please follow the procedure described here for the NeoLoad certificate.

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

Thanks for the reply.I have imported the certificate already,Even after that i am not able to launch the application.Application doesn't require any Java applet to start and yes it https protocol and this application doesn't have any certificate.

Is it possible to get a screen shot of the error that you get when starting your application?

Also, if you connect without NeoLoad with Chrome/Firefox, could you click on the SSL icon next to HTTPS in the URL bar. I would like to see the SSL information like protocol and the cipher used.

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

Please find the attached snapshot.As mentioned by you i have captured the snapshot on IE and chrome browser with or without using NeoLoad also i have taken a snapshot when i click n certificate icon on chrome browser.Please let me know if you need any other information.

Thanks for the screen shot. The error seems related to the SSL version used when recording with NeoLoad.

Without NeoLoad the browser and the server are using TLSv1.0 version. So let's force NeoLoad to use that version and see how it goes.

To do follow the procedure below:

  1. Stop NeoLoad
  2. Edit <install_dir>\conf\
  3. Go to the [General] section.
  4. Make sure that you have the exact key: https.protocols=SSLv3,TLSv1
  5. Save
  6. Start NeoLoad


Try again your NeoLoad recording.

Let me know if you still encounter the SSL error.

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

I have applied the same steps as mentioned by you, However i am not able to launch the application.Please find the attached snapshot.

You made a mistake. You have twice the "https.protocols" option.

Please only keep that one "https.protocols=SSLv3,TLSv1" and remove the other one "https.protocols=SSLv3,TLSv1,TLSv1.1".

The goal is to not have TLSv1.1 in the list. Restart NeoLoad after any modifications.


Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

I have done the changes and restarted NeoLoad however while recording again i was experiencing the same issue where i am not able to launch the application.Please find the snapshot of general section.

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

Hi Nouredine,

Is there any other option we can try?

Could you try the same procedure but with only having SSLv3 in the list instead of SSLv3,TLSv1? Restart NeoLoad after the modification.

If it still does not work, could you install Fiddler (another proxy) and try the recording with NeoLoad and Fiddler at the same time.

To do so, start Fiddler and start a NeoLoad recording with Internet Explorer. NeoLoad should prompt you to use "" as proxy. Answer yes for the application proxy and continue the recording.

Normally the recording should work. Then try to replay the script in NeoLoad by disabling the proxy settings in the NeoLoad preferences.

Do you get a network error and if yes could you provide the error details?


Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

1. I have removed TLSv1 and kept only SSLv3 and restarted NeoLoad however i was unable to launch the application.Please find the attached snapshot of general section.

2.I have opened fidler and NeoLoad and started recording.However as the browser proxy was changed so fidler was unable to capture the traffic.Yes because of NeoLoad proxy was changed to however i was unable to launch the application please find the snapshot.

3.No i am not getting any network error.

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

Issue resolved.Same option i have tried again and i am able to capture the traffic.However when i am clicking on start checking button then i am getting issue with load generator.It says load generator is not able to connect to local host.

It's not clear. Were you able to record with or without Fiddler?

Regarding the LG issue, even it did not start or it took too much time to start. Open your task manager and run a user validation. Check if you have a "java.exe" process that is starting or not.

If not then something is blocking it. Check any firewall on the machine that could block it.

Otherwise please look at the "loadgenerator.log" accessible through the menu "Help-->Open logs folder..."


Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

I am able to record with NeoLoad itself, However i am unable to replay.When i am clicking on start checking after that there is no java process i could see in task manager also firewall is turned off in my machine.

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

I couldn't see loadgenerator.log file in the open logs folder.

I do not even see a checkvu folder. That confirms that your LG process is blocked. Could you zip your log folder so i can review the log files?

Also could you open a command prompt and run "set" command. Send me the output of that command.


Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

I have send the logs to your email ID

Nikant U.
Nikant U.

Nikant U.

197 / 750

It worked.I am able to replay.Thank you so much for your support Kudos to you.Let me just do end to end flow and then if i have any question i will get back to you.Thanks Nouredine once again. :)