Unanswered question

Unable to detect polling requests

I have an application that generates polling requests that are normally supported by neoload.
At the end of the registration Neoload does not automatically detect polling requests and does not factor them into a single request as expected.
any ideas please?
For information I use the free version of neoload that supports framewrok of pushing / polling

Yassine K.
Yassine K.

Yassine K.

11 / 100


What is the push framework used by your polling request? Can you copy/paste the content of the request header and path?

In your user path do you see many identical requests that is supposed to be your polling request?

Yassine K.
Yassine K.

Yassine K.

11 / 100

Hello Nouredine,

I guess the application use HTML5 Server-Sent Events framwork.

Yes, there are several queries sent to neolaod that have the same header and the same parameters

See more details in files uploades with this anwers