Unanswered question

Team server license

I have 100Vuser Neoload Team server license for 2.0. and I have activated it.
After activation I close and Opened the NTS. License which I have installed has been is not there. So I installed it again and i tried to activate it.
When I tried to activate it pops out a message saying that license has been activated to the machine.

Now what can I do to activate the license for the machine??

Keerthy R.
Keerthy R.

Keerthy R.

102 / 750


The license activation on the team server is linked to the machine and the user account that did the activation. If you did not see your license anymore after restarting your NTS2, you should make sure that you started it with the same user.

Maybe something has changed on your server like a Windows update (if on Windows)?

You should open a ticket to the technical support if needed for such issue.