Answered question

I made a new HTTPS recording but I got an error with NeoLoad 4.1

I got an error “ Certificates does not conform to algorithm constraints. “ It worked fine with another HTTPS application. What is causing that issue?

In order to record an HTTPS application in NeoLoad, you have to load the NeoLoad root certificate in your browser like described in the documentation.

Since NeoLoad 4.1, JRE 1.7.xx is now used, whereas in earlier versions it was JRE 1.6.xx.
Since JRE 1.7.xx, the MD2 algorithm has been disabled for security reasons. As a consequence, the recording can't work anymore against servers that are still requesting it.

However, this algorithm can still be enabled following the procedure below:

1. Stop NeoLoad
2. Edit <install_dir>/jre/lib/security/
3. Search and comment the line “jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2” by adding “#” character at the beginning of the line like this “#jdk.certpath.disabledAlgorithms=MD2”. Save the configuration file.
4. Start NeoLoad

For more information, see “Recording a test scenario” under “Design” section in NeoLoad documentation.

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