I have already successfully integrated the Neoload web backend and frontend into docker.
To integrate the load generator and controller in Neoload Web, I have to enter the variable NEOLOADWEB_URL.
Where can I find out where that is defined?
Unless the controller and LG are on that same box, it won't work, you should use the real IP or hostname
it's the api URL defined in your all-in-one yaml
I entered the exact NEOLOAD_WEB_API_PUBLIC_URL. Why can the connection still not be established?
You will need to provide more details, can your machine see that URL, yiu can paste it into a browser and you should see a swagger page. Do you have screenshots?
I initialize each url with my localhost.
The Docker controller is also started with the localhost
I made the API for the backend publicly available using ngork. Now I can access the server from the docker loadgenerator. But there are the following error messages. 400 BAD REQUEST.
Are you able to login to your Neoload Web? does the api URL display a swagger page? your Neoload web might be misconfigured. You would need to provide more detail or raise a support case. Do you have active maintenance?
The Docker container cannot access the localhost of the running machine.
The problem was solved as follows.
Since no production environment was available, a local tunnel for the API URL was created so that the Docker container can access it.