Unanswered question

Neoload Jenkins plugin is giving error no option -p, when running the pipeline, but we are giving -project

Hi We are trying to run neoload project using neloload jenkins plugin. Via declarative pipeline.

Sample pipeline syntax we are using as per the documentation in neoload documentation for third party integration.

Pipeline syntax used:

pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage('Run Neoload') {
steps {
echo "Hello World"
neoloadRun executable: '/Users/sa20099277/.jenkins/workspace/Common_Performance_Testing/Library/Python/3.8/bin/neoload', project: '/Users/sa20099277/neoload_projects/sample/sample.nlp', testDescription: 'To check its working', scenario: 'scenario 1', trendGraphs: ['AvgResponseTime', 'ErrorRate']

Error Thrown:

Running NeoLoad with executable : /Users/sa20099277/.jenkins/workspace/Common_Performance_Testing/Library/Python/3.8/bin/neoload
$ /Users/sa20099277/.jenkins/workspace/Common_Performance_Testing/Library/Python/3.8/bin/neoload -project /Users/sa20099277/neoload_projects/sample/sample.nlp -launch "scenario 1" -testResultName "$Date{hh:mm - dd MMM yyyy} (build 81)" -description "To check its working" -report /Users/sa20099277/.jenkins/workspace/Common_Performance_Testing/neoload-report/report.html,/Users/sa20099277/.jenkins/workspace/Common_Performance_Testing/neoload-report/report.xml -SLAJUnitResults /Users/sa20099277/.jenkins/workspace/Common_Performance_Testing/neoload-report/junit-sla-results.xml -noGUI
Usage: neoload [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...
Try 'neoload --help' for help.

Error: No such option: -p

Can you help what needs to be done here ?

Sagar V.
Sagar V.

Sagar V.

134 / 750



...this is not where neoload is installed and is not the name of the Neoload executable, see the training video in the academy: https://academy.neotys.com/courses/foradvancedusers/lesso...

Sagar V.
Sagar V.

Sagar V.

134 / 750

@neil w you mean to say, we have to point to the desktop version of the Neoload ?

Because when I say which neoload it showed me the previous path only.

Anyways I will try giving the new path and see which is pointing to Neoload GUI installation in /Applications folder. As I am using a mac. My jenkins master is a localhost