Why do the neoload CLI has no support to publish html content in jenkins, similar to neoload GUI via Jenkins plugin
I understand that, neoload CLI has many advanced features than the neoload GUI. This is the reason the neoload jenkins plugin will not help us.
Is there any support for neoload cli commands to publish rich performance insights in Jenkins.
The CLI is "CI/CD" independent, it can produce html reports and each CI/CD supplier would consume these in its own way
@neil w
But how do those html reports or performance insights be published within Jenkins ? The way you guys have provided via plugin is more accessible after each build run.
@Neil W
Following your previous response, can you help us how to get the html reports generated ? Do you mean we need to check the html reports in the neoload dashboard ?
No, the CLI can generate HTML reports, within jenkins you use the publishHTML to display them, please review the neoload report section in the documentation here: https://github.com/Neotys-Labs/neoload-cli
@Neil W
I did not find anything in the documentation which mentioned in your previous comment. Can you help with sample commands for generating html report? Also publishHTML you mean is a Jenkins plug in ?
No, the CLI can generate HTML reports, within jenkins you use the publishHTML to display them, please review the neoload report section in the documentation here: https://github.com/Neotys-Labs/neoload-cli
Hi @Neil W
Can you help where we can find the jinja templates for creating html reports of below type:
I found the above links in the CLI documentation:
@Neil W awaiting your response. Can you please help ?
those examples are here: https://github.com/paulsbruce/neoload-ci-training/tree/ma...
@Neil W thanks a lot for your reponses.
In the jinja templates we are unable to see any graphs getting generated. WHen Itried to debug, in the template there are few names called by d3, which I did not find in the test results csv.
Ex: graphHitsPerSecond(d3.select('#dHitsPerSecond'), window.ctrl_user_load, window.all_requests)
I did not find the HitsPerSecond in the csv data.
Neil W can you please help on this.
I've never created a template, it's something outside of Neoload, export the json data first and use that asa starting point would be my suggestion