Unanswered question

how can i validate a websocket channel ? and what's the relation between websocket channel and websocket request ?

i have recorded a scenario that contains a websocket channel with three responses , and i tried to validate websocket's response .
I implemented a message mapping with a regular expression and i extracted the variables .However , the websocket is always passed even the response is empty . So , how can i validate a websocket channel ? and is it necessary to work with a websocket request in websocket validation ?

mohamed Y.
mohamed Y.

mohamed Y.

76 / 100


A WebSocket channel will create a permanent connection to the server from which server can push back some data. It's a bi-directional communication but WebSocket request are optional. It's only used if the client would like to send some data to that WebSocket channel. So it really depends on your application.

I'm not sure to understand when you say "message mapping". Are you talking about "Push Message" under your WebSocket channel?


mohamed Y.
mohamed Y.

mohamed Y.

76 / 100

i mean the expression to extract from websocket responses .
i want to validate multi channel response and wait all the response data pushed by the server in websocket channel , what are the steps to do for handling the arrival of each message in case of multi channel ?