Answered question

How to extract messages on WebSocket channel ?


I have an application that uses a WebSocket connection.
I have recorded WebSockets scenarios, and I’d like to extract those data on the WebSocket channel. How can I do that? and how can I create a PUSH message to filter the messages that I'm interested in? Thanks.

Radia S.
Radia S.

Radia S.

8 / 100

I created a quick video showing you both methods applied at the same time but of course you should use one or the other.

Basically the first method is to create a variable extractor at the channel level. And for that you need to configure that extractor to not raise any error in case it does not match which should happen most of the time AND i also configured it to stop the extraction at first match otherwise the variable will be overriden each time.

Then the second method is to create a push message and if a response match my rule then i execute a Javascript inside my PUSH message which is of course a basic example but you could execute anything like a request or else.

I hope that clarifies the usage of both methods.

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