Unanswered question

How to validate the websocket request response

We were trying to evaluate Neoload for our application which also uses websockets.
Neoload Free Edition v 7.0.2

I have create a websocket channel and a request and when I validate it, it shows fine from the UI. The channel gives a response code 101. From this I assume that the connection is made and open. Then I send the websocket request. But I don't see a response for that. It still shows success in validation. But from the log4j logs I see some error which seems to be connected to this.
My agent logs don't show any error and it shows initialization and closing of the socket. Not able to get much information on this.

2019/10/08 16:52:49 [pool-313-thread-1] ERROR com.neotys.communication.endpoint.CallImpl - com.neotys.nl.agent.transport.AgentServiceLg.handleRequest(ecf37a72-bc97-44e5-afd8-a85fc5c14b7f) error while sending request
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.io.IOException: Transport has been disconnected

Note: I tried sending the WS request using "Simple Web Socket Client" from Chrome and it works from the agent machine and I can see the response

Amalraj T.
Amalraj T.

Amalraj T.

11 / 100


The Websocket request are asynchronous request. That means that in NeoLoad we do not expect a response in that request instead you should see a WebSocket channel entry in your checkvu if something is received on the channel.

Amalraj T.
Amalraj T.

Amalraj T.

11 / 100

Thanks Nouredine. I am validating the userpath which contains both the channel and the request. Once the validation runs completely, I am checking the channel for the messages received. But the response tab in the Channel request doesn't contain anything. I see one error also in the log, but since the validation is success I am not sure if it is related to my problem.