Answered question

Functions in Loop Settings

Hi, I am running Neoload 7.1.0 and I really appreciate the new functions feature however in the manual the documentation states that:

"Wherever a variable can be used, a function can be used too."*

However I tried to use a function to set the number of loops in a loop and when I played back the loop is ignored. The function works when tested elsewhere.

Could you advise please?

The function works by getting the length of an input variable in order to replicate typing in a Pega autocomplete field (since a POST is made for every character typed after the first two.)

I have put another javascript in above the loop and used a variable to control the loop but it would be more elegant and easier to do if I could call the function from the "Execute loop" settings.

  • BTW this should be:

"Wherever a variable can be used, a function can be used to."

Dean C.
Dean C.

Dean C.

40 / 100
christophe M.
christophe M.

christophe M.

5000 / 5000

I could verify the the function works well with Loops (checked in NeoLoad 7.2), you should have missed something.

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Dean C.
Dean C.

Dean C.

40 / 100

Hi, after checking my code it turned out what looked like an int being returned was actually a float. Please accept my apologies.