Answered question

Can We Run a Test/Action at a Specific Time?


Can we run a test at a specific time? We have an odd test use case where we want to do one of two options:

1. Don't start the entire test until a specific time (ie 05:00am)
2. Start a test earlier, but then wait mid test (kind of like a rendevous point) to run specific actions at a specific time (ie 05:00am).

We are running NeoLoad v7.1.0 on a local machine.


Gordon G.
Gordon G.

Gordon G.

49 / 100

Yes, I was answering this...
1. Don't start the entire test until a specific time (ie 05:00am)
For the other use case, I would probably just use a piece of Javascript and a while loop mid test. the Javascript checks the time, is it 5am, no, do nothing, delay 1, 5 or 10 seconds (depending on how exact you want to be), loop, run the Javascript again. If it is 5am, set a flag to false, drop out of the while loop and off you go

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Gordon G.
Gordon G.

Gordon G.

49 / 100

To expand upon our use case Neil, there is a specific part of the process that we want to kick off at a specific time. The ideal scenario would be this:

1. Login 50 Virtual Users (so that we secure authenticated sessions and can gain access to a specific function that we want to test)
2. Wait until a specific time (ie 05:00am)
3. All 50 Virtual Users hit a specific function at that time

I know how to set a rendezvous point and I know how to add in a delay between actions. But ideally I want to pre-authenticate my virtual users and then run a specific action at a specific time. If I schedule the whole scenario then I can't guarantee that the 50 VUs will all hit the specific function at the exactly required time.

Does that requirement make sense?