Unanswered question

How to update jenkins build status based on Test Status in Neoload - CI/CD Jenkins

We have created a build to trigger Neoload scenario. I have setup the SLA profile so that if the threshold is not met then the test status is reflected to be failed.
As part CI/CD pipleline integration, I would want to know if the test is passed or failed just looking at the pipleline.
What options do we have
1) Can Jenkins read the Test status - which says pass or failed and then update the status of my test run
2)Email notifications if the test passes or fails ?
3)any other options ?

Goal here is to pass or fail the build based on performance test results.

Thank you
John Moses

John Moses U.
John Moses U.

John Moses U.

1 / 100


Vijaykumar K.
Vijaykumar K.

Vijaykumar K.

12 / 100

Hi John,

Are you using the NeoLoad Jenkins Plugin or using NeoLoad APis to trigger the load test?


Look at the Jenkins training videos on the Neotys academy, you can create a junit report that can be read by Jenkins, the report has the results of the SLA, Jenkins can use this to decide pass or fail, carry on with the pipeline, yes or no. Also, Neoload Web has Web hooks and can do email notifications or slack channel updates