Answered question

Jenkins job

I would like to have the jenkins job failed when the error rate is higher than 0%.
Till now I didn't find how to do it. There was a topic found here in the community but was not explaining how to do.

Thanks in advance

Salvatore D.
Salvatore D.

Salvatore D.

17 / 100

First of all you will need an SLA in your Neoload project measuring the Error Rate %. As part of your Neoload run in Jenkins, use the command line arguments to produce the JUnit SLA report. Use the Jenkins JUnit action parse the test result and return a pass/fall based on the content

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Dear Salvatore,

You should add a SLA in the NeoLoad project. You can add SLAs on specific transactions, or on a global status like global Error rate.
See the SLA documentation:

Then, if a SLA fails, the Jenkins will be automatically flagged as 'instable' because NeoLoad will generate a JUNIT report with failed tests.