Unanswered question

Jenkins Neoload Plugin : Add Graphs of Transactions

i'm working on Naolod/Jenkins Integration.
I want to display a graph of All transactions Reponse times on Jenkins.
I tried to create a graph within curves using transactions name like "Add Visit And Browse>Actions>PC_Edit_Owner", but i have no graph displayed.

Do some one have an idea

Benamar B.
Benamar B.

Benamar B.

65 / 100


Hello Benamar,

According to the documentation page whom the link is https://wiki.jenkins.io/display/JENKINS/NeoLoad+Plugin ,

In order to see trend graphs, please verify:

1-> The Archive the artifacts post-build action has been added.
2-> Either Default Report File Names or Custom Report File Names is selected and an xml report is defined.
3-> At least two executions were run.
4-> Date and time is synchronized between the Jenkins machine and the build machine.

And also, from the known issue, if NeoLoad Graphs aren't displayed in the main page of my job :

-> Make sure you used a "Freestyle project" for your job. If you use (for example) the Maven Plugin for your job, create a "Freestyle project" then add Maven configuration build step.

Best Regards,
Fousseyni B.

Benamar B.
Benamar B.

Benamar B.

65 / 100

@Fousseyni B.
The problem i'am facing is that i can see the default trending graphs? but not those which i define.
Is my "Syntax" OK?

Hello Benamar,

What are you seeing in the log file ?

As you said, it might be due to the syntax of your curves.
If you want to know the real syntax, you can generate an XML report and look inside for something like : <statistic-item avg="4.08" error_rate="0" errors="0" hits="0" max="40" median="3" min="0" name="Controller/CPU Load"

corresponding to the graph you have created.

I hope it helped.

Best Regards,
Fousseyni B.

Benamar B.
Benamar B.

Benamar B.

65 / 100

not really great things in logs

[02-webapps_alphatest_PERF] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/jenkins25262601632201504.sh
+ /u01/app/jenkins/Neoload6.10/bin/NeoLoadCmd -project /u01/app/jenkins/workspace/webapps_team/INT/02-webapps_alphatest_PERF/neoload_webapp_alphatest.nlp -launch Scenario_Name -testResultName '$Date{hh:mm - dd MMM yyyy} (build 35)' -report /u01/app/jenkins/workspace/webapps_team/INT/02-webapps_alphatest_PERF/neoload-report/report.html,/u01/app/jenkins/workspace/webapps_team/INT/02-webapps_alphatest_PERF/neoload-report/report.xml -SLAJUnitResults /u01/app/jenkins/workspace/webapps_team/INT/02-webapps_alphatest_PERF/neoload-report/junit-sla-results.xml -noGUI
neoload_webapp_alphatest.nlp file has been found in /u01/app/jenkins/workspace/webapps_team/INT/02-webapps_alphatest_PERF.
Logging to /u01/app/jenkins/.neotys/neoload/v6.10/logs, as user: jenkins
Loading project: /u01/app/jenkins/workspace/webapps_team/INT/02-webapps_alphatest_PERF/neoload_webapp_alphatest.nlp
Project neoload_webapp_alphatest loaded
Launching scenario: Scenario_Name (00h:05m:30s)
Initializing Monitors...
Stopping Monitors...

Hello Benamar,

Did you check the name of this transaction in the XML report you can generate with Neoload (itself) ?

Here is an example :

<statistic-item avg="19" error_rate="100" errors="2" hits="2" id="XXXXXXXXXXXX" max="36,7" median="0" min="1,22" name="XXXXXXXX" parentName="Parcours Utilisateur" percentile1=" - " percentile2=" - " percentile3=" - " stddev=" - " truncatedMean="-" type="virtualuser">

The value of the name parameter is what you need to configure the curve on Jenkins

Best Regards,
Fousseyni B.