Unanswered question

is environment variable and command line variable supported in latest version of neoload?

Hi, I am trying to set variable in command line or using envrionment variable, however both the options does not seem to work. As per the below documentation, i used the command NeoloadCmd with the parameter "-variables my_env=test", however this did not work when I checked the value in javascript the value shows as null. Also I tried setting an environment variable "nl_variable_my_env" in windows, and again when checked userpath for "my_env", it shows as null. I am not sure if i am missing anything. Is command line variables still supported in 6.4?

Neotys documentation: https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/ht...

Praveen P.
Praveen P.

Praveen P.

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