Answered question

Test Environment Management : When running NeoLoad test from Jenkins

I am trying to run my Neo Load test scripts with CI tool jenkins , and I am successful in doing so. But it runs against the server which I used while recording the script , I would like to have an option to change this easily from jenkins end it self before running the test..

If I run with neo load GUI,I can easily edit the server details which is linked to each of the requests present in the test.I do this from the {{Servers}} section...

I am looking for a way to pass a parameter or so while trigerring the build from the jenkins , so that this parameter would replace the sever to which all the load requests would get hit... ( otherwise everytime i will have to lainch GUI and edit this and save .nlp file which gets passed to jenkins )

Is any one know how we can do this ..? how to create such a variable from GUI and which can be replaced while running from jenkins ?


Musaffir L.
Musaffir L.

Musaffir L.

455 / 750

In the coming NeoLoad version available mid-September there will be an option to override a variable to a specific value through command line.

So by using a constant variable in your server definition you will be able to override its default value directly through Jenkins in the command line options.

That should suit your need but currently it's not possible with the existing NeoLoad version.

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Musaffir L.
Musaffir L.

Musaffir L.

455 / 750

Just an idea about how this can be done ...hope it can be useful for any future readers...

we can maintain constant string variables at NeoLoad... say I maintain something like 'testenv' with a value 'qa1env'

The env server host value at Neoload Design section, can be parameterized with this variable as - " ${testenv} " ..something like this....

Later if you run your scenario from command line / Jenkins / bamboo etc you can pass any server value as you wish to get tested...with command line arg

so it will look like this in your commandliine
-variables testenv=preproduction_env

so your tests will be done against --

Happy Testing with NeoLoad !
