Unanswered question

Iterate through a user path for each row returned in a SQL variable

I know this is probably basic stuff but I can't seem to find documetation on what I need. I have a SQL query as a variable, and a user path I've set up. I have looked at the web calls in the user path and modified it to use the variable values. Now I just need to run the scenario for each row returned by the query. When I run it I only get one execution. Any pointers on how to do this? Thanks

John H.
John H.

John H.

24 / 100


How are you running it? Check UserPath defaults to 1 iteration, click the advanced button and increase the iteration value. If this is in a load test, what is your change policy?

John H.
John H.

John H.

24 / 100

Not sure how to reply but thanks for the prompt response! Under Runtime, in the Load Variation Policy area, I have 1 simulated user and 1 Iterations per user. Is that what you are referring to? I've scanned around looking for and advanced button relating to UserPaths but I don't see one. Does that help?

John H.
John H.

John H.

24 / 100

Thanks. I see where you are referring to now in "Check UserPath", and it is set to 1. I've also looked at the SQL Variable "Value Change Policy" and it is set to "On each iteration". I've verified that the SQL query returns 30+ rows. I would like the interation count to be the same as the SQL, but I would hope I don't have to manually supply that value because the number of rows may change subsequent runs

Because the SQL query is test data, you will see in the variables manager that the distribution policy is to use each row of test data (ie. the 30 rows). Once they have been used we cycle through them again.

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

If you configure your SQL variable to stop the test when it runs out of values you will be sure that the user will not iterate more than needed.