I have created a Variable Extractor using JSON as listed here: $.MatchingWorklist.Rows[*].Values[6]. This allows creation of a variable ‘ExObjectIds’ which captures all object ids from recorded response (100 in the returned rows on the displayed list). Now, I am trying to use that variable to rebuild the list with the same captured ObjectIds in the sub sequent request (POST Parameter) as ‘${ExObjectIds}’ however, when validating the user path, I get no response. Is there a way that I can modify ‘${ExObjectIds}’ on the resuest to get all ObjectIds in order to rebuild my list of all returned rows rather that what was captured?
When you extract all occurences you can access individually a value of your array using the syntax: ${ExObjectIds_n} where n is 1 to number of occurences. For example ${ExObjectIds_3} will get the third occurence.
If you would like to use all of them at once you may have to use a Javascript to loop against all your values and create your own content.
The number of occurrences can be retrieved from the ${ExObjectIds_matchNr} variable.
Can you pls give me example of what JavaScript will look like in order to get all values all at once?