Answered question

How can i install NeoLoad Web without Internet access?

The Linux machine where i would like to install NeoLoad Web does not have Internet access. But i have another Linux machine that does have it. Is there a way to use NeoLoad Web on my Linux machine that does not have Internet access?

Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000
Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

The installation and the use of NeoLoad Web only requires Internet access when the Docker images are not available on the machine where you start NeoLoad Web. That means that you can download the Docker images from another machine which does have Internet access, save the images and copy them to the Linux machine where you would like to use NeoLoad Web.

The commands below are well described in the Docker documentation here

Depending on the type of Installation you are going to use for NeoLoad Web you will need 2 or 3 Docker images. The example below is for the 3 images including MongoDB (optional), NeoLoad Backend and NeoLoad Frontend.

From your Linux machine that have Internet access and Docker installed you can run the commands below to pull and save the images.

sudo docker pull nlweb-frontend
sudo docker pull nlweb-backend
sudo docker pull mongo:3.4.10

sudo docker save -o mongo.tar mongo:3.4.10
sudo docker save -o nlwebfrontend.tar nlweb-frontend
sudo docker save -o nlwebbackend.tar nlweb-backend



  • MongoDB image is optional if you plan to use your own MongoDB server on another physical machine.
  • The current version of MongoDB used by NeoLoad Web 1.4 is 3.4.10. This version may change in the future.

Copy those 3 .tar files into your Linux machine where you would like to use NeoLoad Web. Then run the 3 commands below to load the images:

sudo docker load -i mongo.tar
sudo docker load -i nlwebfrontend.tar
sudo docker load -i nlwebbackend.tar

When it's done you are good to start NeoLoad Web with docker-compose. No need of Internet connexion anymore except when you would have to upgrade NeoLoad to a new version. In that case you will need to repeat that procedure.

For more information about the NeoLoad Web installaton procedure please check the the NeoLoad Web documentation here

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