I am trying to install Neoload Web on-premise. I have a separate DB server, and a Neoload Web server. On the Neoload web server I am following the installation instructions from the documentation: https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/nlweb/latest/en/html... (external Mongo DB without SSL). When running the docker-compose, I receive the following message:
No handlers for address api/usage-analytics-api/v1ge-analytics-api/v1
What could be the reason for this?
Best Regards,
It's difficult to provide feedback only based on that message. It's necessary to see the whole starting process and logs to see if it's really an issue or a consequence of a previous one.
Thanks, I checked error messages that occurred after this one and found out that it was related to the mongoDB installation. I had to change the config file (bindIP to because the MongoDB service was running on "Loopback IP" and not reachable by the neoload web server.