Hi, Team, as a need to give a result of errors to the developer about each assertion during a load test. Need to generate csv file(or excel file), which shows pagename, request(only sending param), response(only text), assertion.
I am sending the followint POST command:
POST https://petstore.swagger.io/v2/user
User-Agent: Jetty/9.3.7.v20160115NeotysEdition.61
Content-Type: application/json...
I tried to execute the same request and it worked on my side. Do you use a proxy to reach that URL?
Could you try to disable HTTP/2 in the Advanced settings of the check vu...
We have a GET API request which can return a 200 or 404 response. When a 404 occurs Neoload marks and considers the response as a failed one and gives error for it. In...
Run a check virtual user of that request until you get an HTTP 404 status code. Then right mouse click on the left tree to update the recorded content. This way in the design...
Neoload allows to export all the details but doesn't give option to export exact request/response when error occurs. Even in debug mode it displays but doesn't allow to export...