When we create a javascript file in NeoLoad, NeoLoad itself provides a name for the script js file. Is there a way that we can provide customized name for the files?
I'm not sure to understand. Are you talking about the default name "script" or something else?
Because you can obviously change the name of the Javascript action.
No. I am not talking about the default name "script". I am talking about the name of the corresponding file that gets created with name in format something like "jsAction_35948481-1f9f-4988-8dc4-da181f92343a.js" I tried renaming this file but I wasn't able to.
The JS file contains a UUID that is used internally NeoLoad so you can't change it. But what would be the need to modify it?
I need to use the functions I have written in one JS file in to another. I believe the way to do it is as follows:
var imported = context.createElement('script2');
imported.src = '/path/to/imported/script';
Any other way to go about it?
The functions added as JS Libraries (menu Edit / JS Libraries) can be transparently used by all Javascript Actions in the project.