icensing -options/answers/2593498/author_stamp
w.r.t above question i would like to know do you provide the load generators in the various geographical locations for this approach. if yes, what are various geographic locations Neoload supports?
Is this feature similar to HP network virtualization feature?
Basically there is more than 50 geographical locations for the load generators.
You need to buy Cloud credits to use the Cloud LG's. 1 credit is for 1 LG per hour.
I would suggest you to look at the page here on the Neotys web site for more information about Cloud LG.
Note that beyond 50 real physical locations, NeoLoad provides an integrated free WAN emulation to emulate various network conditions (3G, 4G, poor/good quality, high latency, etc...)
christophe answered
Nouredine answered
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