Answered question

How to bypass nl-siebel-plugin-engine-03 Siebel error ?

In some server response the application sends the error:
`Errors`0`f`22`2`0`Level0`0`ErrMsg`Impossible de diviser par 0(SBL-DAT-00378)`ErrCode`
Neoload catches that error and stops that transaction execution. This means I can't skip it and continue my virtual user execution. (SWEC is assigned a not found value whereas it could be retrieved ...)
Could you please tell me how I can ignore this error message and make the execution keep going ?

Jean-Philippe G.
Jean-Philippe G.

Jean-Philippe G.

42 / 100

You can add an option in the NeoLoad configuration file to ignore some errors.

  1. Stop NeoLoad
  2. Edit <install_dir>\conf\ file
  3. Create a [Siebel] section
  4. Add on a new line that option:
  5. Save
  6. Restart NeoLoad



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