Unanswered question

How to ignore Siebel error message , Error Code: NL-SIEBEL-PLUGIN-ENGINE-03?

When I am running test i am getting
Error detected by NeoLoad
Error Code: NL-SIEBEL-PLUGIN-ENGINE-03 Message: A Siebel error message was sent by the server. Details: Wrong field values or value types detected in field State. Please re-enter your field values. If you need additional assistance, please refer to the documentation.(SBL-UIF-00299)
Please refer to the documentation for further details and advice

I tried these steps but still its same

You can add an option in the NeoLoad configuration file to ignore some errors.
Stop NeoLoad
Edit <install_dir>\conf\controller.properties file
Create a [Siebel] section
Add on a new line that option: siebel.errors.to.exclude=SBL-DAT-00378
Restart NeoLoad

tarun G.
tarun G.

tarun G.

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