We are looking into creating some "test as code" definitions within a project which was designed in NeoLoad GUI so hence it would be a "hybrid" project with a project file. Do...
As long as your libraries have been defined in your project you should be able to access them from a Javascript defined in your yaml file. I have quickly tested with the...
Scenario: All the 10 Virtual Users constantly accessing the application and performing the same task defined in the Transaction.
1. Each Transaction has below...
It's difficult to tell what is wrong. The best is to run your test in debug mode (buggy button) so NeoLoad keeps the iterations in error. In that case in your test results...
If we consider JMeter, we can see the script in an xml format [.jmx]. Similar to that do we have any option to view the NeoLoad script [xml or any format] ?
NeoLoad stores the project content inĀ XML files inside the config.zip file. You can look at themĀ but you must not modify them as it's not expected to be manually modified...