Unanswered question

How to make All the 10 VUs to access application constantly and perform the same task defined in the transaction?

Scenario: All the 10 Virtual Users constantly accessing the application and performing the same task defined in the Transaction.

1. Each Transaction has below structure.
2. Parameterized data stored in csv file and has 23 different values.
3. Value Change Policy: "On each page"
4. Variable values distribution policy:
a. Scope = Local
b. Order = Sequential
c. When Out of Values: Cycle values.
Each Transaction has below structure.

  • Loop [counter=23]
  • -> Web Page

    • 1st API
    • 2nd API
    • 3rd API
    • Example:
      1st API: /api/modulePds/${AddOpt_After.ModsAfter}/${Ecm_ECObject}/1/operations/0150

      ${AddOpt_After.ModsAfter} - Parameterized, next value should be picked on each page.
      ${Ecm_ECObject} - Extracted value

      Issue: Triggered 402 Error when 10 VUs used with above configuration.

      Observation: Working fine till 2 VUs.

sharan K.
sharan K.

sharan K.

5 / 100


It's difficult to tell what is wrong. The best is to run your test in debug mode (buggy button) so NeoLoad keeps the iterations in error. In that case in your test results section if you go to the Details tab you will be able to check the details of the user iterations as you can do in a checkvu execution.