Dear All,
we are trying to record a win 8.1 tablet using the proxy mode
We can see the request but the content is encoded and we are not able to customize them...
could you help us to do it pls ?
POST http://XXXXXXXX/SyncService.svc/Upload?sessionId=14ffbd91... HTTP/1.1
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Length: 4096
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive
Pragma: no-cache
encoded part ....
thx in advance
Looking at the header and the "Upload" in the path of your request i guess you have recorded an upload transaction with your tablet correct?
What type of request do you get in NeoLoad. Is it a POST multi-part request type?
My assumption is that you are seeing the content of a file that is uploaded? And maybe that file is in a zip format?
What exact NeoLoad version do you use?
Hi Nouredine,
Yes we record from the tablet specify ma machine as proxy on port 8090
the format is a POST and content Binary
NEOLOAD is 5.0.4
I suppose it's a gzip file regarding in the request
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Hi again,
I catch my request in fiddler then I copied the hexa in a gzip file.
I decompress it manually and now I have a file with a XML file
like this
<Table schema="" name="Devices">
<Row DEV_ID="52" DEV_RealID="VST_DEV1" DEV_Desc="VST_DEV1" DEV_Language="1" DEV_FEVersion="W8_4.6.0.40968" DEV_Modules="1" DEV_LSync="2015-07-03 09:21:58.053" DEV_Flags="2" USR_ID="88" DEV_CRC="CFj+6Rvf2AdC8eSdsMRCFw==" />
Can I replay it ?
You can try to replay it but i'm afraid that your server expect a gzip content. If you do not want to modify the content of that XML file, you can let the POST binary request as is with the binary data. NeoLoad will replay it as is.
If you need to modify the content i guess you will have to zip the content before sending it.
Otherwise, please try the procedure below to see if NeoLoad is able to uncompress your data automatically.
I have added
and restarted neoload but the content is always binary and I need to custom it...
thx for your help
Could you try to make your recording with Neoload 5.1? Normally that version should automatically uncompress Gzip content on the request when possible?
It's not the case with NeoLoad 5.0.xx.
neoload 5.1 = same behavior
noelaod 5.1 + decode.gzip.request = same behavior
any idea ? thx again ...
I think that the issue might be related to the Content-Encoding header that is missing.
I guess if you add "Content-Encoding: gzip" in your POST request and send it to another proxy like Fiddler (it can also be another NeoLoad) then your request content will be uncompressed.