Unanswered question

Variable Extractor - can I assign a variable as the value in case of error?

I am extracting a variable from a response through the usual method (regular expression). This variable is nothing but a timestamp in milli seconds. In case that variable is not available, I would like to assign a variable as a value (on error). At the moment, I don't see Neoload taking up the variable, on error, for a variable extractor. Are there any alternate ways? Please let me know.

Sankar S.
Sankar S.

Sankar S.

15 / 100


When NeoLoad is not able to exctract your value because nothing matched you will get an assertion error in your result. The requests that are using your variable will get the NOT_FOUND value.

This is the default behavior. But you can customize that behavior in the variable extractor panel.

Open that panel and select the Error tab. You have an option to not raise any error in case nothing matched and you can provide a default value in that case.

See the NeoLoad documentation here

This will not work if for any reason the variable extractor was not executed. 

I hope it answers your question.