Unanswered question

File Upload Size Limit


Is there a limit to the file size that is possible to upload in a script when validating a virtual user?

I have a script which uploads a file to a website and have experimented with file of 1Mb, 10Mb and 100Mb sizes. However, when I attempt to upload a file of 1Gb size and validate the virtual user, I get a Java heap space
>> java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Does this mean that Neoload is limited in uploading files of sizes equivalent to the amount of memory Neoload is allocated in RAM or the like?


Luke R.
Luke R.

Luke R.

31 / 100


When you validate the user, you are running the script in debug mode and so NeoLoad will display all the data even binary data.

Normally, if you run a test with one user  one iteration, you should not get an out of memory even for the 1Gb file size. The process is not the same during the runtime compared to the user validation.

Have you tried?


Luke R.
Luke R.

Luke R.

31 / 100

Yes I've tried various debugging levels in the run time parameters settings however the error is consistent, whether validating or running a single user.
I've raised a support ticket since I first asked this question.

Ajala O.
Ajala O.

Ajala O.

21 / 100

Hi Luke!

Please, let me know how was the solution on this question. I'm facing the same issue...

Thanks in advance
Ajala Oliveira