Unanswered question

SSL Root Certificate for 4.2 is not working for all the Https recording

For our project, we are using SSL certificate. So I installed Neoload 4.2 Root certificate since it is https. Manually i am login into the application without any issues. But when i record through Neoload, am getting an error message as Internet explorer cannot display the page

Ethal V.
Ethal V.

Ethal V.

59 / 100


I would like to clarify some points with you. You said that you are using SSL certificate. Do you mean client certificate in order to authenticate against your application?

The NeoLoad Root certificate has to be loaded in your browser to trust the generated certificate during the NeoLoad recording.

If you record any other HTTPS application like gmail do you get any warning from the browser related to a wrong certificate?

If not then your issue is not related to that Root certificate but more regarding the SSL version used by your application.

To check which one is used, you can connect to your application using Chrome or Firefox. Then click on the icon next to the "https" URL address bar to see the connection settings.