Unanswered question

Remove quotes around variables

I am trying to extract and then reuse a variable. At run time the variable value is correctly identified and substituted correctly. This issue is that double quotes (") are being added in the beginning and the end of the variable. How would I turnoff/disable this feature?

Daniel O.
Daniel O.

Daniel O.

23 / 100


The only area where NeoLoad can automatically add double quote for a value is for a cookie value. Is it what you are trying to handle?

Could you provide more details of your exact issue?

Daniel O.
Daniel O.

Daniel O.

23 / 100

Yes it is in the cookie that this occurs. Each iteration creates a unique identifier that the application uses to grant security permissions.

If NeoLoad adds double quote for a cookie value then it means that the value contains forbidden characters like comma, semi-colon or blank space.

Coud you provide an example of such cookie value?


Daniel O.
Daniel O.

Daniel O.

23 / 100

The cookie does have a space in it. Is there a way for Neoload to not enclose that value in quotes? Below is an example of the cookie that it is being passed.

2.00000001d07ae6a48dd69b5767e4730ac4c65910fc46f81a15b0e51265244a3cbc4f576c0f1184b9705ac21ff8e7bde995d3babe937d9eba05fb4e9624f00937acf3f126c9f891aea66c32f409532d522c1e15f632daedf5d3cbf30896b75b95c6f355408783c7c1e1b120df23a27410fb60cbc8314e575ba8555d526d788aac0f5668520afbadebb6d4b22068cb9195.1033.0.1.America/New*_York.pidn2*_1.000000013e9e18f310b08bbe24da4c02d72a15df6161d31a35ccbab3290b5ed46fc30608dd4450d2a588f96a56629831b4832e0a27c89844.00000001fd74e683472ab823b2ba257badaf41a0a677fddb0098807b52c4e3450e684a4f6eb6f3f3746acce6bd6eee15190ac3e7c9dbd254e5dfd7c724296dfe4e0fbb9b78ba0d320c485ecdb9cf38dc.0.1.1.Server NAME Test.6C5DAA5F42D06F25D2D6F291E933972E.0-1033.1.1_-0.1.0_-1033.1.1_10.1.0.*0.00000001e6a9092ef2a8bd8b6f57bf4f4e58dc02c911585a15481701be0319e660d3626a62382c3e.0.143*.122*.181*.224.6.e

Ok please try the procedure below:

  1. Stop NeoLoad
  2. Edit <install_dir>\conf\controller.properties
  3. Go to [Runtime] section and add in the new line that option: escaped.cookie.characters=,;
  4. Save
  5. Start NeoLoad


Try again a user validation.