Answered question

Do I need Internet access to install NeoSense?

I would like to setup my NeoSense machine and i'm wondering if an Internet connection is needed to use NeoSense.

During the installation process, different NeoSense sub components will be installed like the core, the frontend, the location and the database. None of them requires an access to Internet.

However, after first login on NeoSense, you will have to load your NeoSense license and activate it.

That activation process will attempt on an online activation by contacting the Neotys activation server. That step is straightforward when the NeoSense server has Internet access.

If it’s not the case, the activation process will fall back to a manual activation using a web form available on the Neotys web site.

For more information, see "License Management" section in the NeoSense documentation.

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