Unanswered question

Why do my SOAP requests take 3 seconds too long with NeoLoad?

Some SOAP requests take longer than others to execute in NeoLoad. In a different client they're executed fast but in NeoLoad it always takes about 3 seconds. When I use Fiddler I can see that the server responds quickly. Why is this happening?

Aaron J.
Aaron J.

Aaron J.

12 / 100


Aaron J.
Aaron J.

Aaron J.

12 / 100

This may be because the header "Expect: 100-continue" is being sent and the server is not responding. This is actually the expected behavior. When the 100-continue header is sent the client waits for an "OK" response from the server before sending the body of the request. If no response is received then the body is sent anyway after a timeout. Thus the added 3 second delay can be resolved by either removing the Expected 100-continue from the header or by implementing the expected "OK" response on the server application.

To remove the header from NeoLoad requests, click the request, click the "Advanced" button, select the header, then click the minus (-) to remove it.

For more information see http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html#sec....

Alexis N.
Alexis N.

Alexis N.

1255 / 2000

Since NeoLoad 5.2, there is no more issue with the header "Expect: 100-continue" so there is no more SOAP requests that take more than 3 seconds.