Unanswered question

Soap Request Signature: Getting Error "stream does not represent a PKCS12 key store

I am trying to configure a SOAP API. So I originally recorded the soap request from SOAP UI tool. Then when I ran the request I got a WSSecurityException which lead me to believe there's an issue with my Keystore. I have my keystores placed in the 'wss-keystores' directory with multiple different formats (.pxf, .PKCS12). When I add a signature in the header of the request and choose from either of the keystores and select ok I get the following error: "The security profile is not valid: stream does not represent a PKCS12 key store". Can you please help resolve this issue? I've attached the screenshots of the errors.

Aayush S.
Aayush S.

Aayush S.

189 / 750


I tried to google that error message since i've never encountered it but it sounds that your keystore cannot be read or does not have the expected format. Could you only export your private key from your keystore and import it into NeoLoad?

Aayush S.
Aayush S.

Aayush S.

189 / 750

Thanks Nouredine for getting back. So I had to change the format of my keystore to .p12 which then allowed me to get past this issue. Thank you!