This is the snippet of the error in the NeoLoad Web console:Unable to lease a license [License Web Service error: <License Web Service error: The message has expired>]An error...
When you start a test with NeoLoad Web it will automatically lease a license against NeoLoad Web. This error occurs when there's a time difference between the controller used...
Getting the following error in logs while replaying the websocket recorded script
ERROR com.neotys.communication.transport.websocket.client.WebSocketClientTransport - Web...
What is exactly the issue on the user path when you replay your script? What kind of errors do you get?
This stack trace is related to the communication layer transport between...
Dear Experts,
I seek a clarification on the usage of proxy in a user path ; especially when executed from Neoload Web.
I have set up a proxy to be used in a user path while...
Hi Harish,
The best way is to declare the full proxy settings in the Zones used by the Project. By this way, the Proxy settings are embedded in the Project and used by...