Answered question

I'm starting a test through NeoLoad Web and i get an expired error about the lease of license. Why?

This is the snippet of the error in the NeoLoad Web console:

Unable to lease a license [License Web Service error: <License Web Service error: The message has expired>]
An error occurred during Controller initialization: License Web Service error: <License Web Service error: The message has expired> -- Error caused by : License Web Service error: <License Web Service error: The message has expired>

When you start a test with NeoLoad Web it will automatically lease a license against NeoLoad Web. This error occurs when there's a time difference between the controller used for that test and the NeoLoad Web machine. You can have a time zone difference it does not matter.
What really matters is if there's a difference for even for 2 minutes. So make sure that your controller and NeoLoad Web machines are time synchronized and it should resolve that issue.

As a side note this error is not specific to test started from NeoLoad Web. You can also get it if you try to manually lease a license on your controller. The same solution can be applied.

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