Unanswered question

How to record a windows installed application in neoload??

Actually I want to record an application which is installed in my local machnine( example:iTunes). So I need to record this application through the Neoload.

Nrusingh P.
Nrusingh P.

Nrusingh P.

77 / 100


Bruno D.
Bruno D.

Bruno D.

33 / 100

First option is to configure inside your application a proxy (<neoload controller IP>:8090)

  • If in your application Proxy configuration si not possible, you can launch your application trhough Internet Explorer (configure the proxy in IE and then use IE File menu to open your application Exec file)

2nd option is to use the tunel mode: https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/ht...

Don't forget than the record will be only possible if the application is over HTTP/HTTPs.

One more thing to add is that if the stand-alone application is a JAVA application, you can possibly configure the proxy in the Java control panel (Windows > Control Panel > Java > General Tab > Network Settings). Put the Neoload proxy info there, and test.