Unanswered question

how to set the timestamps in a request?

request show Timestamps do not match exception, but i can't find any Timestamps in the reqeust, how to set a Timestamps in the request

Xiaoning Z.
Xiaoning Z.

Xiaoning Z.

46 / 100


Looking at your screen shot, your issue might be due to the "qs" and "sig" parameter values that could be dynamics. The expected timestamp could be serialized inside that long values.

That is to say that you can probably not replay the same id's all the time. If you right mouse click on one of this long value, you should get a menu with "Flags in the responses" option.

That should add blue flag in your script so you can locate on which server response this value is coming from.

The goal would be to extract that value from the server response as i guess a new one is set and then re-use the new one on sub-sequents requests during the replaying.


You should look at the Tutorials on NeoLoad documentation about how to manage dynamic parameters here