Unanswered question

Mobile testing Platform

Hi, I need to do a load test on a mobile app with Windows Mobile 6.5 professional. Is this supported by neoload?
here are more details:

1. Mobile app developed on .Net / Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system.
2. Mobile app installed on Motorola MC-65 mobile device having Windows Mobile 6.5 operating system.
3. Mobile app on device makes calls to Windows REST web service using HTTPS protocol.

Sameer K.
Sameer K.

Sameer K.

25 / 100


NeoLoad has not been tested with Mobile phone running Windows Mobile 6.5 OS. But as soon as you can change either the proxy settings or the DNS settings on the mobile it should work with NeoLoad.

For HTTPS application, you will have to load the NeoLoad certificate into your mobile so you also have to check if it's feasible. It can easily be done on Android and IOS devices but not sure if it's the same on such old Windows Mobile version.

In any case, please look at the Mobile Applications testing guide available in Neotys web site here