Unanswered question

Could anyone please help resolve the aura:clientOutOfSync error while testing Salesforce Lightening platform?

Finding aura:clientOutOfSync error while testing Salesforce Lightening platform. No solution found on online forums. Need support from Neoload to proceed.

Error message: /{"event":{"descriptor":"markup://aura:clientOutOfSync","eventDef":{"descriptor":"markup://aura:clientOutOfSync","t":"APPLICATION","xs":"I"}},"exceptionEvent":true}/*ERROR*/

Scenario: concurrent testing for Salesforce Lightning platform, facing the error while checking the userpath of a recorded login scenario. The error is reported for the aura component.
Also gets 'Handshake denied' error instead of ClientOutofSync

Dhanya K.
Dhanya K.

Dhanya K.

12 / 100


Nouredine A.
Nouredine A.

Nouredine A.

5000 / 5000

Salesforce application uses many dynamic parameters. This error is probably related to some dynamic parameters that are not correlated.  You won't find a solution to that issue in the forum since it's a generic error based on what you have recorded.

To help you to figure out the dynamic values you could make twice the recording of the same transactions and compared the same requests from both recording. Id's that are different in both recording are probably dynamics and have to be correlated.

Dhanya K.
Dhanya K.

Dhanya K.

12 / 100

Hello Nouredine, Thank you for answering the question.
I have tried correlation for the dynamic parameters in this request too, but it gives the same result. The correlated parameter does not make any difference.

If there any possibility of issue, due to the application being saleforce lightning platform?