Unanswered question

Checking virtual user without delay

Is there a way I can check virtual user without running delays in the script? Please let me know

Muthukrishnan S.
Muthukrishnan S.

Muthukrishnan S.

41 / 100


There's multiple ways to specify delays in NeoLoad. For example you can add think time on pages, logical delays action etc...

By default think times are not played so the execution of the transactions will be performed very quickly.

However, logical delay actions are executed. You can disable them in your script before running a user validation if needed.

Muthukrishnan S.
Muthukrishnan S.

Muthukrishnan S.

41 / 100

Hi Nouredine,

I have a Test Script with delay elements inserted where ever needed. I don't want those delay elements to be played when I validate the Test Script by running on 'Check Virtual User' window. Do we have any settings that can exclude the delay while validating the Virtual user (Test Script) in 'Check Virtual User' window, without disabling the Delay elements?