Answered question

I would like to convert an Unicode character

I need to extract a value from the server response that is in Unicode format but i need to sent it back decoded. Is it feasible with NeoLoad?

NeoLoad has built-in features to automaically decode extracted values like for example HTML or URL encoded values.

If you need to decode Unicode characters, you can create a Javascript to perform such actions.


  1. Unzip the in attachment under <neoload_project>\lib\jslib folder. (rename class.pdf to
  2. Create that javascript below in order to get the value from the server, do the convertion and create a new Neoload variable.


// example, here is the extracted value "R\u00FCdlingen"
var myVar = context.variableManager.getValue("Myextractor");
//Decode the Unicode characters
var myValue =;
//Optionnaly log the results
logger.debug("Extracted: <" + myVar + "> Converted: <" + myValue + ">");
// Here we set a Neoload variable that will have this content "Rüdlingen" context.variableManager.setValue("cityName_new",myValue);



For more information, see “NeoLoad Javascript API” under “Appendixes” section in NeoLoad documentation.

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