Unanswered question

As they can import an entire project, with all the results of the machine where the tests were run

When importing the project, the result section manager, I see the results and are not enabled none of the options.

Javier G.
Javier G.

Javier G.

22 / 100


Javier G.
Javier G.

Javier G.

22 / 100

Thanks for you answare, let me upload tha image. If you need more information, I'll send you.

Your screen shot does not bring more information. Are you trying to import a project into another one? If yes, is your issue related to missing test result that were in your original project?

All the test results are stored into your projects folder under the "results" folder. You should see folders with that format name "results_<ID>".

You can copy this results folder from one project to another if needed.